Joint Pain and inflammation

Joints are vital parts of the human body where two bones meet. Joints are required in the skeleton to let your bones move smoothly. Some common joints in the body are:

  • Elbows
  • Shoulders
  • Knees
  • Hips

Joint pain often occurs when there is soreness, aches or discomfort in any of these joints. Joint pain is a common issue and often doesn’t even require a hospital visit. You can treat it at home with simple therapy wraps or other home remedies.

Causes of Joint Pain and Inflammation

Here are the most common causes of joint pain and inflammation:


Arthritisisoneofthemostcommonreasonsforjointpain.Thetwomaintypesof arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA).  As per the American College of Rhermatology, the most common type of arthritis in adults above 40 is OA. It develops slowly and often affects joints like wrist, hips, knees and hands. OA related joint pain occurs due to the breakdown of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber  and cushion for joints.
The second type of RA arthritis is known to affect mostly women compared to men. This condition can debiliate and deform joints with time. This type of arthritis is known to cause inflammation, pain and fluid buildup in body joints when the immune system of a body starts attacking the membrane that forms a joint lining.
Other causes of joint pain are:
  • Gout
  • Inflammation or bursitis of the cushioning found around joints
  • Lupus
  • Some infectious diseases like influenza, mumps and hepatitis
  • Inflammation of the tendonor tendinitis
  • Join to veruse
  • Chondromalacia of the patella
  • Breakdown of cartilage around the kneecap
  • An infection of the bone or joint
  • Cancer
  • Rickets
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Osteoporosis

How to Reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation

Hot cold therapy wraps are beneficial to reduce joint pain and inflammation by stimulating the body’s natural healing process. For example, heat candilate blood vessels, reduce muscle spasms and stimulate blood circulation. Besides, heat changes pain sensation in the body. You may use dry heat like heat lamps or heating pad or moist heat, such as heated wash cloths or warm baths. On the other hand, cold compress helps reduce inflammation by blood vessel constriction. Although, cold therapy or pack may feel uncomfortable at first. they can suppress or numb deep pain.

What Temperature is Suitable when Using Heat Therapy for Joint Pain?

Different Types of Heat Therapy for Joint Pain

You may choose from the given types of heat therapies for joint pain:
  • Heated swimming pool
  • Heat belts or disposable heat patches
  • Moist heating pad
  • Warm bath
  • Hot packs(warm edina microwave)
  • Warm shower
  • Atherapeutic mixture of mineral oil and paraffin
  • Warm, moist cloth or towel
  • Warm hot tubor whirlpool

Does Cold Therapy Relieve Arthritis Pain?

Yes, cold therapy numbs soreness and reduce inflammation. Ice packs are great for joint pain that occur due to arthritis flare. You may even think of using local spray like fluoromethane on a painful area before you start exercising. It helps with joint pain by providing superficial cooling on the affected area while decreasing muscle spasms. Or, you may use instant cold pack made from vegetables or frozen bags.

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